無心睡眠, A Sleepless NIGHT

無心睡眠, A Sleepless NIGHT

睡得好是多麼的難啊, 尤其在現經濟環境之下.   其實心煩當然虛火上升, 想睡得好也難.  想想睡眠其實也是充電的一種方式來的, 而且是滋陰的電極來的, 沒有夜晚的保養, 發炎只會更甚的.  問題來了, 發炎引起的發熱與實體的熱是兩不大同的.  可見, 線粒體吐納功力定了我們的IMMUNITY有多強的。  最佳的吐納功夫是吸得又深又多而呼出的只是又淺又少的。   英文講的HEAT ABSORPTION > HEAT GENERATION 這叫做好的IMMUNITY BOOST。   詳細的請閱讀將在BIOCHEMISTRY AND ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 刋登出的本人的文章, 有關INFRARED ENERGY 與MITOCHONDRIA 的充電的文章。  

所以有些人如果抵抗力強的話, 可以輕度發熱便能完成了抵抗入侵的過程, 有些人則副作用很多又很強的。  這又與OXIDATION STRESS 產生的發炎多少有相關的, 所以這篇文章可以說又要令到很多東西REVISIT 了。  

不論怎樣, 似乎這世界要做的事是做不完的, REVISIT 後我們對HEALTH 知識又會多了深度了解, 對治病的把握又大多了, 不也是好事嗎? 

In this economy, good quality sleep becomes a luxury to many.  It is normal, when you cannot be restful, how can your brain chemistry functioning normal?  Frankly speaking, sleep is a kind of healing as it nourishes our body with "yin" elements.  Without good quality sleep, inflammation will only worsen.   To differentiate, heat within the boundary is good to body as it is the core of the lifeforce.  In excess, this is called inflammation.  In breathing, the best practice is to have a deep one while breathing in, while in breathing out, a shallow one is good. In this way, the absorption is greater than generation of heat.  This applies to mitochondrial breathing that is the working of the powerhouse.  This explains why some people have a better immunity while others are so weak.

This gives us the understanding that if you have strong immunity, you may only need mild extra heat/fever to accomplish a defense while others need to experience a lot of side effects to accomplish it.  

To understand more, please read my paper that is going to be published by Biochemistry and Analytical Biochemistry in end of December or Early Janaury on Infrared Energy and Mitochondria...

The publication of this paper will definitely lead to many revisiting of some basics and related research.  At least we know that there are still work to be done that AI cannot replace humans at this point. 




